Otto English

Unveiling Modern Conspiracies and Historical Truths

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

  • Diverse Factions within Political Parties

  • The Role of "Dark Money"

  • Ancestry and Historical Lineage

  • Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein

  • Modern Political Entertainers and Reform

  • Historical Misconceptions and the Power of Film

  • Brexit, Think Tanks, and Ideological Influences

  • Conclusion


"Some Dare Call It Conspiracy" is a podcast hosted by two former conspiracy theorists, Brent Lee and Neil Sanders. In a recent episode, they sat down with Otto English, a renowned journalist, author, and political commentator, to delve into a variety of contemporary political and historical issues. Their conversation traversed topics ranging from the influence of dark money in politics to the unsettling connections between public figures and dubious organizations.

This episode holds particular significance as it examines not only the overt aspects of political maneuvering but also the subtle, often overlooked historical narratives that shape our current understanding. Otto English uses his extensive research and writing experience to shine a light on these intricate dynamics, offering a perspective that is both enlightening and thought-provoking.

The episode serves as a clarion call for accountability, urging ordinary citizens to scrutinize the actions of their leaders and the narratives they propagate. In doing so, it underscores the importance of an informed populace in safeguarding the integrity of democratic institutions.

Diverse Factions within Political Parties

The conversation with Otto English began with an in-depth exploration of the various factions within political parties, focusing particularly on the Conservative party. Otto shed light on the diversity within the party, which encompasses a wide range of views from staunch Brexit supporters to fervent libertarians. This internal diversity often leads to conflicting agendas and a lack of cohesive policy direction, a situation that can be both a strength and a weakness for the party.

One of the more troubling aspects discussed was the use of divisive rhetoric, including homophobia, anti-trans sentiment, and anti-immigration stances, by certain factions within the party. These groups often frame themselves as victims of political correctness and social progress, a tactic that Otto English and the hosts found particularly insidious. This victimhood narrative serves to galvanize support from like-minded individuals while simultaneously stoking fear and resentment among those who feel marginalized by societal changes.

Indeed, such rhetoric is not without consequences. It perpetuates a cycle of division and mistrust, making it increasingly difficult for the party to present a united front. Otto emphasized the need for accountability and introspection within political parties, urging them to root out harmful ideologies and focus on inclusive, forward-thinking policies. His insights highlighted the complexities of modern political landscapes, where internal divisions and external rhetoric often intersect in ways that can either strengthen or undermine democratic governance.

The Role of "Dark Money"

A particularly illuminating segment of the interview revolved around the concept of "dark money" and its pervasive influence in politics. Otto English explained how large corporations funnel substantial amounts of money into political campaigns and organizations to promote specific interests and agendas. This funding, often shrouded in secrecy, enables these corporations to exert considerable influence over political outcomes without public scrutiny.

Otto was particularly critical of politicians like Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, highlighting their ties to movements and interests funded by dark money. These connections, he argued, raise serious questions about their competence and intentions, as their policy decisions may be more aligned with the interests of their benefactors than with those of the general populace. Otto's critique extended to the broader issue of transparency in political funding, calling for stringent regulations to ensure that all financial contributions are openly disclosed and scrutinized.

The discussion underscored the urgent need for reform in the political finance system. By illuminating these under-the-table financial dealings, Otto emphasized the importance of an informed electorate in holding their leaders accountable. His insights served as a stark reminder that democracy thrives on transparency and that the shadowy influence of dark money is a direct threat to the integrity of democratic institutions.

Ancestry and Historical Lineage

Otto English also delved into the fascinating topic of ancestry and historical lineage, providing intriguing insights into the backgrounds of notable political figures. He recounted how Boris Johnson and David Cameron discovered their royal ancestry through the television show "Who Do You Think You Are?", learning that they had a monarch as a great-great-great-grandfather. This revelation was not entirely surprising to Otto, who explained that many people with even one European ancestor from the past century are likely descended from historical figures like Charlemagne or King John, owing to the large family sizes of the past.

The discussion on ancestry served to highlight the interconnectedness of human history and the often-overlooked connections that bind us to historical figures. Otto pointed out that everyone has interesting ancestors, emphasizing that stories of lineage are not exclusive to the elite or famous. This democratization of history is crucial for understanding our collective past and recognizing the shared heritage that informs our present and future.

Moreover, Otto's insights into family history also touched on more somber aspects, such as the existence of individuals named Hitler after the war. These anecdotes serve as poignant reminders of how history's darker chapters continue to echo through generations. By examining these narratives, Otto underscored the importance of confronting and understanding our past to build a more informed and inclusive future.

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein

The conversation took a critical turn when Otto English addressed the highly publicized relationship between Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein. Otto did not mince words in his condemnation of the Duke of York's association with Epstein, emphasizing the severe moral and ethical lapses involved. He underscored the recklessness of maintaining such a friendship, given Epstein's notorious reputation and the gravity of his crimes.

Otto argued that Prince Andrew's attempts to downplay the relationship and subsequently seek to understand Epstein's actions were not only misguided but also deeply troubling. This kind of behavior, he pointed out, reflects a broader issue of accountability among the elite, who often evade the repercussions that ordinary individuals would face in similar circumstances. Otto's critique extended to the institutional structures that enable such figures to retain their positions and influence despite egregious misjudgments.

The discussion served as a broader commentary on the need for ethical standards and accountability in public life. Otto's insights resonated with the podcast hosts, who echoed the call for greater scrutiny and responsibility among those in positions of power. The case of Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein is a stark reminder of the potential consequences when personal indiscretions intersect with public duties, highlighting the imperative for transparency and accountability.

Modern Political Entertainers and Reform

The interview also delved into the phenomenon of modern political entertainers, focusing on figures like Laurence Fox, Calvin Robinson, and Ben Shapiro. Otto English expressed concerns about the growing influence of these personalities, who often blend political commentary with entertainment to engage audiences. While this approach can democratize political discourse, it also poses risks, particularly when such figures make racially or bigoted statements without facing significant repercussions.

Otto and the hosts discussed the implications of this trend for political culture and public discourse. They noted that the sensationalist tactics employed by these entertainers can undermine serious political debate and create an environment where inflammatory rhetoric is normalized. This shift not only distorts public understanding of political issues but also erodes the standards of accountability that are crucial for a functioning democracy.

In response to these challenges, Otto called for a comprehensive reform of the political system. He emphasized the need for mechanisms to hold public figures accountable for their statements and actions, ensuring that political discourse remains respectful and fact-based. His arguments highlighted the importance of maintaining the integrity of democratic institutions in the face of evolving media landscapes and the rise of political entertainers.

Historical Misconceptions and the Power of Film

Otto English also explored the powerful influence of film on public perceptions of history. He cited examples such as Winston Churchill and John F. Kennedy, whose legacies have been shaped and sometimes distorted by cinematic portrayals. Otto critiqued Oliver Stone's film "JFK" for perpetuating conspiracy theories that have clouded public understanding of historical events. These narratives, while compelling, often sacrifice accuracy for dramatic effect, leading to widespread misconceptions.

The conversation underscored the responsibility of filmmakers and storytellers in shaping historical understanding. Otto argued that while artistic license is a fundamental aspect of creative works, it should not come at the expense of factual integrity. Misrepresentations in film can have long-lasting impacts, influencing how future generations perceive historical figures and events. Otto's perspective resonates with ongoing debates about the balance between historical accuracy and entertainment in media.

By highlighting these issues, Otto emphasized the importance of critical media consumption and historical literacy. He urged listeners to approach historical films with a discerning eye, recognizing the potential for bias and inaccuracy. His insights served as a reminder that while films can offer valuable perspectives, they should not be the sole source of our historical knowledge. Understanding the past, Otto contended, requires a commitment to rigorous research and an openness to diverse viewpoints.

Brexit, Think Tanks, and Ideological Influences

The discourse on Brexit provided a rich vein of analysis, particularly concerning the ideological influences that shaped the movement. Otto English and the hosts discussed how Brexit was driven by a nostalgic vision of a mythical British past, a sentiment that resonated deeply with certain segments of the population. This yearning for a return to perceived former glories was skillfully manipulated by political leaders to garner support for the cause.

Otto also examined the role of American organizations like the Heritage Foundation in influencing English think tanks. These connections have facilitated the adoption of policies aimed at privatization and wealth accumulation, aligning with broader neoliberal agendas. The influence of such organizations underscores the transnational nature of political ideologies and the complex web of interests that shape policy decisions.

The conversation drew parallels between the Brexit movement and the post-Brexit promises made by the Conservative party. Otto likened the party's behavior to that of a cult, driven by prophecies and exceptionalist beliefs. He pointed out the infighting among different factions within the Brexit movement, highlighting the challenges of maintaining unity in the face of diverse and sometimes conflicting interests. Otto's analysis provided a nuanced understanding of the ideological and practical dimensions of Brexit, offering valuable insights into the factors driving contemporary political dynamics.


In this compelling interview with Otto English, the hosts of "Some Dare Call It Conspiracy" explored a wide array of topics that reveal the intricate tapestries of political and historical narratives. From the pervasive influence of dark money in politics to the troubling associations of public figures with notorious individuals, Otto English shed light on critical issues that demand our attention and scrutiny. His insights into the diverse factions within political parties and the rise of political entertainers underscored the complexities and challenges of contemporary political landscapes.

The discussion also ventured into the realms of historical lineage and the power of film, offering a nuanced understanding of how our perceptions of the past shape our present and future. Otto's critique of historical misconceptions perpetuated by popular media serves as a reminder of the need for critical engagement with the sources of our knowledge. His examination of the ideological influences behind Brexit and the role of think tanks highlighted the transnational dimensions of political movements and the intricate web of interests that shape policy decisions.

Ultimately, the interview with Otto English is a clarion call for accountability, transparency, and critical engagement in both political and historical discourses. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and informed, challenging the narratives that seek to divide and mislead. Otto's insights offer a valuable guide for understanding the forces at play in our societies and underscore the importance of a well-informed populace in safeguarding the integrity of democratic institutions.


Contact: Otto English