Mike Wendling

Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump, Inside the Republican National Convention and Day Of Reckoning

Table of Contents


In this compelling episode, we delve into the complex world of disinformation and conspiracy theories with our distinguished guest, Mike Wendling, a BBC journalist and author of 'Day Of Reckoning'. Through this friendly and conversational interview, we explore a myriad of topics that reveal the unsettling impact of disinformation on our democratic societies.

Mike Wendling's work as a national digital reporter for the BBC has provided him with remarkable insights into the mechanisms and effects of disinformation. Based in Chicago, Wendling focuses on exposing the dangerous intricacies of conspiracy theories that permeate our social consciousness. In this interview, he shares some of the most alarming trends and events he has encountered.

Our conversation traverses a variety of critical topics, from the pitfalls of using social media as a lens for public opinion to the militant atmosphere of political events. Throughout these discussions, Wendling's observations offer a stark reminder of the pervasive influence of disinformation in shaping political discourse and public perception.

Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Political Rhetoric

We open our discussion addressing Joe Biden's performance in debates, his resilience against Donald Trump's rhetoric, and the concerns around Biden's age and stamina. Our conversation initiates with an analytical comparison of Biden's current state to his performances in past debates and rallies. Wendling reflects on how Biden has managed to navigate the often tumultuous waters of political discourse, particularly against a formidable opponent like Trump, whose rhetoric is often incendiary and unpredictable.

While Wendling acknowledges Biden's strengths, he also brings to light the widespread concerns about Biden's age and stamina. These concerns are not unfounded, as Wendling notes, pointing to instances from previous debates and rallies where Biden's endurance was questioned. However, this does not overshadow Biden's adeptness at handling political confrontations and maintaining a composed demeanor in the face of provocation.

Moreover, we explore the broader implications of such concerns in the political arena, especially in an age where media scrutiny is relentless. The discussion turns to the role of social media in amplifying these narratives and shaping public perception. Wendling emphasizes how easy it is for disinformation to gain traction on these platforms, further complicating the already intricate landscape of political journalism.

The Influence of Social Media

Mike Wendling sheds light on how social media has transformed news reporting and public opinion. We examine the pitfalls of using social media as a journalistic tool and its role in propagating disinformation. According to Wendling, the reliance on social media as a reflection of public opinion can often lead journalists astray. The algorithms that drive these platforms prioritize engagement, frequently at the expense of accuracy, resulting in sensationalist and misleading content rising to prominence.

Wendling discusses the BBC's initiative, BBC Verify, which aims to address and correct disinformation that spreads on social media. This team is dedicated to scouring the digital landscape for false narratives and providing the public with verified information. Wendling explains that while disinformation can be politically agnostic, recent trends show an alarming prevalence of such tactics within particular ideological spheres.

Our conversation also touches upon the broader societal implications of social media's influence. Wendling highlights how the vacuum created by a lack of clear, accurate information often leads to the formation of conspiracy theories. In the absence of reliable data, people tend to fill in the gaps with speculation, which can be easily manipulated for political or ideological purposes. This phenomenon underscores the urgent need for robust fact-checking and responsible reporting in the digital age.

Assassination Attempts and Conspiracy Theories

The conversation shifts to a recent assassination attempt, exploring extreme reactions, the rise of conspiracy theories, and the discourse around divine intervention and security concerns. Wendling recounts how the media landscape erupted with various interpretations and theories following the incident. Some individuals went as far as to suggest that divine intervention played a role in preventing a greater tragedy, a notion that quickly gained traction among certain groups.

The discussion highlights the rapid proliferation of conspiracy theories in the wake of such events. Wendling points out that the lack of immediate, concrete information from authorities often leaves room for speculation and unfounded theories to flourish. This gap in information is fertile ground for those looking to manipulate narratives for their own ends, leading to a dizzying array of conspiracy theories that can overshadow the actual facts of the case.

We also delve into the security concerns that arise in the aftermath of such attempts. Wendling notes that extreme reactions often include calls for increased security measures and greater surveillance, which in turn can provoke further conspiracy theories. The cycle of fear and reaction is perpetuated by both media coverage and social media amplification, creating an environment where disinformation can thrive.

Far-Right Groups and Media Coverage

Wendling raises crucial questions on the lack of mainstream media coverage for groups like the Patriot Front and examines the contradictory nature of far-right organizations such as the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. He points out that the media often fails to adequately cover these groups, leaving the public with a fragmented understanding of their actions and ideologies. This lack of coverage, Wendling suggests, allows these groups to operate with a degree of anonymity that can be dangerous.

Our discussion brings to light the complex and often contradictory characteristics of these far-right groups. Wendling describes how organizations like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers present themselves in multifaceted ways, at times appearing as benign social clubs while also being implicated in serious plots to disrupt democratic processes. This duality makes it challenging for the public and the media to categorize and understand the true nature of these groups.

We also examine the motivations and recruitment strategies of these organizations. Wendling highlights how these groups adapt their public personas to attract a broader audience, sometimes even employing seemingly progressive stances on issues like gender and sexuality to appear more inclusive. This strategy of blending radical ideologies with mainstream acceptance allows them to gain a foothold in public discourse while continuing to push their extremist agendas.

The Normalization of Extremist Ideas

We delve into how extremist ideas have seeped into political discourse, including baseless allegations against various groups, and the normalization of such rhetoric. Wendling provides insights into how figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson have mainstreamed extremist viewpoints by weaving them into their public statements and media appearances. This process of normalization blurs the lines between fringe theories and accepted political rhetoric.

The conversation also touches upon the role of media outlets that cater to these narratives. Wendling discusses how organizations like GB Newsheen and Reform UK have embraced an American-style, sensationalist approach to news reporting. This style prioritizes shock value and engagement over accuracy, thereby creating a fertile ground for conspiracy theories to flourish.

Moreover, Wendling reflects on the impact of these normalized extremist ideas on public perception and behavior. He notes that when influential figures and media platforms endorse and disseminate these ideas, they lend them an air of legitimacy that can be difficult to counteract. This phenomenon contributes to a polarized society where disinformation and extremist rhetoric become deeply entrenched, posing significant challenges to democratic principles and civil discourse.

The Role of Disinformation in Political Campaigns

Our discussion extends to the dangers of stochastic terrorism, the manipulation tactics employed by figures like David Icke and Alex Jones, and the intricate connection between conspiracy theories and political agendas. Wendling elucidates how inflammatory rhetoric by political figures can incite violence, a form of stochastic terrorism that leverages disinformation to provoke dangerous actions without direct incitement.

We explore the historical and contemporary examples of how disinformation has been used as a tool for political manipulation. Wendling discusses the strategies of think tanks and powerful organizations that fabricate and spread conspiracy theories to influence public opinion and policy. These tactics are not confined to any single political ideology; rather, they represent a pervasive threat to democratic processes across the spectrum.

Wendling also highlights the role of influential media personalities in perpetuating these dangerous narratives. The example of Alex Jones stands out, illustrating how a figure originally on the fringes can amass a significant following and exert considerable influence on mainstream political discourse. The intersection of media, politics, and disinformation creates a volatile environment where truth becomes malleable, and trust in democratic institutions is eroded.

Personal Experiences and Observations

Wendling shares his personal experiences, including his interactions with the Proud Boys, and provides a deeper understanding of the individuals within these movements. He recounts his time spent with the group's members, offering a nuanced perspective on their motivations, beliefs, and internal dynamics. Wendling's access to these circles sheds light on how these groups operate and the social factors that draw individuals to their ranks.

We also discuss Wendling's book, 'Day Of Reckoning', which details the rise of the far-right in the United States. Through personal stories and encounters with individuals involved in these movements, the book offers a comprehensive look at the factors contributing to far-right radicalization. Wendling's firsthand accounts highlight the complexities and conflicts within these groups, revealing a landscape fraught with internal strife and ideological tension.

Our conversation extends to the broader societal implications of these observations. Wendling connects the appeal of conspiracy theories to social and economic insecurities, illustrating how individuals on the margins of society are particularly susceptible to radicalization. This insight underscores the importance of addressing the root causes of disinformation and extremism, rather than merely focusing on their symptoms.


In our concluding segment, we reflect on the power and persistence of conspiracy theories, and their profound impact on political discourse and democratic societies. Wendling's insights compel us to remain vigilant and critically aware of the information we consume. The interview underscores the necessity of robust fact-checking, responsible journalism, and an informed public to counteract the spread of disinformation.

Wendling's experiences and observations reveal a landscape where disinformation thrives, often fueled by social media algorithms and the sensationalist tendencies of contemporary journalism. By understanding the mechanisms of disinformation, we can better navigate the complex information environment and safeguard democratic principles.

As we wrap up our discussion, the importance of fostering a media-literate society becomes apparent. The fight against disinformation is not just the responsibility of journalists and fact-checkers but of every individual committed to upholding the integrity of our democracy. Wendling's contributions remind us that in this age of information overload, the truth is our most valuable asset.

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